By Appointment:
(360) 480.1493

Colon Therapist
I-ACT Certified • FDA Approved Equipment
Fragrance-Free Facility
Specializing in Educating clients about
the benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy
A colonic is a safe, effective method of removing waste from the large intestine without the use of drugs. Colonics or Colon Hydrotherapy gently cleanses and excercises the colon by filling and emptying the colon with filtered and termperature-regulated water. The waste is then softened and loosened, resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis.
Serving clients in Olympia, WA, Lacey, WA, Tumwater, WA, Chehalis, WA, Centralia, WA, and Tacoma, WA.

Colon Hydrotherapy
allows the body to be free of toxic waste
I personally believe all forms of disease are due to the same cause - Auto-intoxication. That means the accumulation of toxic waste materials in the body.
Toxic waste in our body can build up for years and years due to lifestyle habits. Improper care of our body interferes with the nervous system's ability to handle worry, overwork, excesses and abuse of all kinds. Colon Hydrotherapy allows the body to be free of toxic waste. Our body is always striving for the ultimate goal, no matter how badly we treat it, and that goal is peace and balance of our mind, body and spirit!
Colon Hydrotherapy is NOT a cure-all, but may ease your pain. The power that regulates heart beat, blood flow, lung and all bodily functions has the ability to renew diseased cells in any organ. By removing toxic waste you are helping your body to cleanse the cells, purify the blood and give life to the digestive system and once again make life worth living.
—Rebecca Waggoner, Colon Therapist